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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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Student Technology

Canvas LMS by Instructure

Why does a student need Canvas?

STEAM Academy's Canvas provides 24/7 access to all of your courses and course resources. Students should use Canvas daily to track understand and turn in assignments, check their grades, and their calendar.  Students are able to keep track of all resources needed for course success through Canvas.

How a student uses Canvas?

STEAM students will find all course materials provided by their teachers on Canvas. Students have access handouts, videos, assignments and much more, by simply logging in to their account.  Students have a calendar that provides To Do List reminders of assignment due dates and also provides students easy access to their Google drives for assignment submissions.  All student grades for STEAM Academy are recorded within the Canvas grade book. Along with the grades, teachers provide feedback through comments. Students can also contact teachers through their Canvas Inbox messaging system.

How does a student access Canvas?

Students access Canvas using the same credentials used for accessing their school provided technical resources. Canvas is a cloud based application that can be found at

How does a student get help with a Canvas issue?

The first source of help for a student will be the teacher in the course for which you are having an issue. If your teacher can't help, contact Ms. Rosen at