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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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Canvas Overview

Canvas LMS by Instructure

What is Canvas LMS?

Since the launch of our school in 2013, STEAM Academy has provided 24/7 access to all of our courses and course resources through the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Developed by Instructure, Canvas includes several major LMS tools within a modern interface.  Canvas is known for its user-friendly online environment and ability to easily connect instructors and students both in and out of the classroom. Canvas includes basic LMS functionality for managing enrollments, sharing documents, submitting assignments, and assigning grades, as well as personalized features for individual students.

How do students use Canvas?

STEAM teachers post course assignments and resources on Canvas. Students have access handouts, videos, assignments and much more, by simply logging in to their account.  Students have a calendar that provides To Do List reminders of assignment due dates and also provides students easy access to their Google drives for assignment submissions.  All student grades for STEAM Academy are recorded within the Canvas grade book. Along with the grades, teachers provide feedback through comments. Students can also contact teachers through their Canvas Inbox messaging system.

How can a parent use Canvas?

Although our Fayette County Canvas account cannot directly allow parent observer accounts, STEAM parents participate in their student's Canvas learning experience.  Parents can use the Canvas Parent app to follow their student's progress. Find more details about the Canvas Parent App.