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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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STEAM a Model on ‘Innovative Learning Excursion’

STEAM a Model on ‘Innovative Learning Excursion’

This fall, STEAM Academy’s Sanjana Shah is juggling an internship at a veterinary clinic, cross country meets with her high school team, and dual-credit classes through Bluegrass Community & Technical College. And she is loving it! “Students can be successful on so many different levels,” said Sanjana, a junior who credits STEAM’s philosophy and approach. “It’s very hands-on, real-world learning. It’s really preparing us well.”

This week, STEAM had a chance to showcase what it does differently and does well for students from across Fayette County Public Schools. STEAM was selected, along with Eminence Independent School District in Henry County, to host the Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) Fall Innovative Learning Excursion. About 75 teachers, administrators, parents, and students from nine school districts in Massachusetts and Rhode Island visited STEAM on Tuesday for inspiration on how to reimagine their high schools.

For instance, Sanjana spoke highly of STEAM’s goals or model for all students – the six so-called habits that underlie everything:

  • Intentional Collaborator
  • Active and Responsible Decision Maker
  • Effective Communicator
  • Creative and Critical Thinker
  • Altruistic and Culturally Competent Leader
  • Persistent Learner

“STEAM is an example of the kind of school NGLC is looking for,” said Lu Young, a veteran educator at the University of Kentucky involved with advising STEAM since its opening in 2013. She noted the myriad opportunities such as internships, regular advisory sessions, a January term for exploration, dual-credit courses, autonomy for students, and project-based learning. She was not surprised NGLC chose this FCPS program as a model for others looking to retool their system for 21st-century students. “STEAM is a mature example of what that redesign looks like,” said Young, who is vice chair of the Kentucky Board of Education.

Principal Chris Flores, who also values the feedback from the New England peers, deemed it an honor to host for NGLC. “Anytime I can show off the great things happening in our school and district, I take full advantage of that opportunity,” he said. “To be able to be a model school for other states and districts is a great compliment to the hard work of our students, staff, and school community.”

Sanjana Shah in blue T-shirt standing in front of STEAM habits posters
UK's Lu Young (on the left) chatting with another white woman
about 16 high school students seated in a large circle
two high school students seated and talking
four animated teachers chatting in a tight circle
white woman in gray sweater gesturing with right arm outstretched
group of seven parents seated in a circle